

Околна среда: нов правен подход за подобряване на качеството на въздуха в държавите членки

Европейска комисия Съобщение за медиите http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-47_bg.htm   Качеството на атмосферния въздух е влошено в много държави — членки на ЕС, въпреки задължението за правителствата да гарантират добро качество на въздуха за гражданите. Положението е толкова сериозно, че Комисията понастоящем предприема действия срещу 17 държави, в които последователно е отчитано лошо качество на въздуха. Днес, като / прочети повече

Figure 1. Patient selection fl ow diagram. AE-COPD 5 acute exacerbation of COPD.

Лечение на екзацербациите при ХОББ

Association Between Antibiotic Treatment and Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With Acute Exacerbation of COPD Treated With Systemic Steroids Mihaela S. Stefan, MD; Michael B. Rothberg, MD, MPH; Meng-Shiou Shieh, PhD; Penelope S. Pekow, PhD; and Peter K. Lindenauer, MD   Background: Antibiotics are widely used in acute exacerbations of COPD (AE-COPD), but their additional benefit / прочети повече

Начало на персонализираната медицина при екзацербации на ХОББ

Personalised medicine in exacerbations of COPD: the beginnings Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are inflammatory events induced by infection [1]. Therefore, the use of antimicrobial and antiinflammatory medications in exacerbations appears logical. However, the evidence that antibiotics and corticosteroids are beneficial in the treatment of exacerbations is relatively sparse, and only a meta-analytic / прочети повече


Значението на IGRA-тестът за откриване на рискови групи с латентна туберкулозна инфекция

Role of the QuantiFERON1-TB Gold In-Tube assay in screening new immigrants for tuberculosis infection Christiaan Mulder, Henk van Deutekom, Erik M. Huisman, Sophie Toumanian, Ben F.P.J. Koster, Wieneke Meijer-Veldman, Joke H. van Loenhout-Rooyackers, Milo Appel, Sandra M. Arend, Martien W. Borgdorff and Frank van Leth   ABSTRACT: This study aimed to estimate the risk of / прочети повече

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of study participants with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Инфламаторни биомаркери и коморбидност при ХОББ

Inflammatory Biomarkers and Comorbidities in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Mette Thomsen1,2, Morten Dahl1,2,3, Peter Lange2,4,5,6, Jørgen Vestbo7,8, and Børge G. Nordestgaard1,2,4 1Department of Clinical Biochemistry and the Copenhagen General Population Study, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital, Herlev, Denmark; 2 Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 3 Department of Clinical Biochemistry, / прочети повече

Left: Sir John B. Gurdon, D.Phil., D.Sc., F.R.S. Photograph by John Overton, Brown Group, Gurdon Institute. Right: Shinya Yamanaka, M.D., Ph.D. Used by permission from the Gladstone Institutes/Chris Goodfellow.

The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Democratizing Pluripotency for Lung Researchers Darrell N. Kotton1 1The Pulmonary Center and Center for Regenerative Medicine (CReM), Boston University and Boston Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts   In October 2012, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to two luminaries in the field of reprogramming, Sir John Gurdon of the United Kingdom and Dr. / прочети повече

Figure 1. Flowchart for identifi cation of studies used. TD-LABA = bid long-acting β2-agonist.

Индакатерол при лечение на ХОББ – сравнително проучване

Comparison of Indacaterol With Tiotropium or Twice-Daily Long-Acting β-Agonists for Stable COPD A Systematic Review Gustavo J. Rodrigo, MD; and Hugo Neffen, MD   Background: Bronchodilators are central to the symptomatic management of patients with COPD. Previous data have shown that inhaled indacaterol improved numerous clinical outcomes over placebo.   Methods: This systematic review explored the efficacy / прочети повече


Астма с грануломатоза – една нова болест?

Asthmatic Granulomatosis A Novel Disease with Asthmatic and Granulomatous Features Sally E. Wenzel1, Catherine A. Vitari1, Manisha Shende2, Diane C. Strollo3, Allyson Larkin4, and Samuel A. Yousem5 1University of Pittsburgh Asthma Institute at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center/University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pulmonary Allergy and Critical Care Medicine Division, Department of Medicine, 2Department of / прочети повече

Figure 1. Enrollment and Outcomes.

По-късни промени в ръста при приложение на инхалаторни кортикостероиди в детска възраст

Effect of Inhaled Glucocorticoids in Childhood on Adult Height H. William Kelly, Pharm.D., Alice L. Sternberg, Sc.M., Rachel Lescher, M.D., Anne L. Fuhlbrigge, M.D., Paul Williams, M.D., Robert S. Zeiger, M.D., Ph.D., Hengameh H. Raissy, Pharm.D., Mark L. Van Natta, M.H.S., James Tonascia, Ph.D., and Robert C. Strunk, Abstract Background The use of inhaled glucocorticoids / прочети повече

Бронхологични методи за обемна белодробна редукция при емфизем. Накъде занапред?

Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction for emphysema: where next? Eur Respir J 2012; 39: 1287–1289 DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00217411 CopyrightERS 2012   Pallav L. Shah and Nicholas S. Hopkinson   Emphysema is an irreversible disease and although patients derive significant benefit from inhaled therapies [1] and pulmonary rehabilitation [2], many remain significantly disabled. The National Emphysema Treatment Trial / прочети повече